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Your Ticket To Anxiety-Free Driving
How to pass your driving test the first time.

How to Pass Your Driving Test The First Time: Here’s 10 Things You Absolutely, Positively Must NOT Do!

Did you know that more than 50% of people fail their first driving test? It’s true. Don’t want to be one of those people who have to retake the test two, three, even four times? Just make sure you absolutely do not do any of the 10 things below.

That’s how to pass your driving test the first time — like an old pro. It’s easier than you think!

Overcome Driving Test Nerves

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Do Not Do Any of These Things in Order to Pass Your Driving Test The First Time

1). Don’t wait to prepare until the last minute.
Let’s face it. You know the driving test is coming. It’s not like it’s a pop quiz or anything, so you have no excuse going into it unprepared. Lack of preparation is the number one reason more than half of people don’t pass their first driving test.

Start studying at least three weeks beforehand. Don’t wait until the last minute and cram. Studying a little bit five days a week is way better than pulling an all-nighter. You’ll retain the information better and have much better odds of passing your driving test the first time.

2). Don’t take the test late in the day.
Try to schedule it first thing in the morning. Not only will you be more alert and energetic, you won’t spend the day dreading your upcoming test. Get it out of the way so you can get on with your day and get on with your life. If you have to take it in the afternoon, keep your mind off it. Dwelling on it won’t help a bit.

3). Absolutely do not study on the actual day of the test.
Shift your brain into neutral. Occupy yourself with other things. Give it a rest and let your subconscious mind assimilate the material. Cease all studying the night before. If you don’t know it by then, you’re not ready.

4). Don’t just assume you’ll pass your driving test the first time.
Sure, you’ll pass eventually. Most people do. But many take two or more tries to do it. The main reasons are lack of preparation and lack of focus. It’s not enough just to know the material. You also have to really be there. Visualize yourself passing on your first try. Do this repeatedly throughout your preparations for the test.

5). Stop pretending you’re not nervous.
You’re performance is in fact being judged by a complete stranger, and here’s the kicker: no matter how prepared you are, it’s different when someone’s watching. That’s why so many people fail their driving test the first time.

Stop trying not to be anxious and just admit you are. It’s OK. Lots of people feel this way. Acknowledging the anxiety about passing your driving test will actually help you perform better.

6). Don’t drink, party or miss sleep the night before.
This should be self-explanatory. Don’t take the test hungover or in a state of sleep deprivation. Arrive at your driving test awake and refreshed. Skip the alcohol or any late night activities the evening before.

7). Don’t give up if you make a mistake during your driving test.
There may come a point where you feel that you’ve “blown it” with a big mistake or a series of small ones. You may be tempted to give up at that point. Don’t do it! It’s not your job to evaluate your own performance on the test — that’s your instructor’s job. That’s why they’re there. Let them do their job while you concentrate on yours, which is to drive as skillfully as possible during the entire duration of the test.

8). Don’t be too tentative.
Most instructors will forgive a few technical mistakes for drivers who are assertive and deliberate without being overly aggressive. After all, the ultimate point of a driving test is to show you’re in control of yourself and your vehicle.

9). Don’t lose track of your surroundings.
One of the things you’re being tested for is what the military calls “situational awareness.” Someone with strong “SA” keeps good track of everything happening all around them — and especially behind them – during a driving test. Demonstrate this by turning your head often to look left and right, and check your mirrors frequently, especially your rear view. One of the things your instructor is paying attention to is how well you’re paying attention.

10). Don’t be afraid to stop and ask questions.
If you’re unsure about how to do something, it’s usually OK to stop the vehicle and ask. Obviously, don’t do this while driving down the highway at 60 MPH in heavy traffic. But if you’re not sure how to correctly perform an action, safely stop the vehicle and just ask.

Here’s an example. One of the “gotchas” I experienced during my first driving test were the right of way rules at an uncontrolled intersection. It was a 4-way with no stop signs and I didn’t know what to do. Instead of asking, I slowed way down and kind of lamely rolled through at 5 MPH. I got docked for it because I didn’t ask for clarification. Don’t make the same mistake.

I hope I’ve given you a better idea of how to pass your driving test the first time. Avoid the mistakes above and your chances of doing so go way up. So I hope I don’t see you in line again down at the DMV.  πŸ˜‰

Good luck!

Greg Weber

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