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Your Ticket To Anxiety-Free Driving
Want to have more stress free driving? It's simple: relax your shoulders! Learn how releasing your shoulder muscles can increase stress free driving.

Tip for Stress Free Driving: Relax Your Shoulder Muscles

Let me give you a quick tip for stress free driving. Do you battle rush hour traffic twice a day, sitting bolt upright with a death grip on the steering wheel and sweat pouring down your face? You’re not alone. The drive to and from work is often the most stressful part of the day for many of us.

And, when you finally arrive home after your workday, are your neck and shoulders usually killing you? Here’s a tip: learn to relax your shoulder muscles.

Relax Your Shoulder Muscles for More Stress Free Driving

We all know that stress is bad for you — bad for your heart, bad for your blood pressure — it’s even bad for your skin.  So, how can we begin driving more free from stress? Try this simple tip: take a quick pause to relax your shoulder muscles.

You can practice this simple technique at stoplights to save some wear and tear on your shoulder muscles. You can literally do this in just a few seconds.

Use this tip the next time you find yourself totally stressed out driving. It really is great for red lights. I use it every chance I get. When my shoulders are relaxed, my mind and body can relax too. It’s often little tips like this that can make your driving commute stress free instead of hellish.


Greg Weber

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